Saturday, December 8, 2007

Oh, so completely off topic...

...but so incredible. I'm a very (very) frustrated guitar player -- I haven't quite decided if I'm inspired or if I should donate my guitar to some worthy recipient. I found this video on YouTube sometime ago and saved it...just found it again and thought I'd share it with you. It's more than 7 minutes long, but even watching just a few moments will amaze you. I think we can still view YouTube videos on Citrix -- I believe they are only blocked on the student computers.

1 comment:

Linda Stewart said...

I finally have a functioning computer and have waited with anticipation to see / hear this video clip. It is the best example of classical guitar that I have ever hearad. Do you know the age of this young lady. I have listened and marvel at this numerous times. Thanks Myra for the clip.