Monday, December 10, 2007

Library Learning 2.0 for Media Clerks -- It's a Go!

Alright ladies, get ready. The PST is approved. You can register at any time at the Office of Professional Development site.

We are going to have a great time exploring, experimenting, and producing great content starting in January. There is an extensive lineup of fun things to discover, but there are so many more; we will just be looking at the tip of the iceberg.

As a teaser, I'll be posting some things that Helene Blowers, the creator of the "23 Things' program suggested to prepare for our journey.

Don't feel obligated to spend much, if any, time on these. You just may find them interesting and a helpful introduction to our PST. One of the first assignments suggested in the "23 Things" project is to listen to the online tutorial Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners. Enjoy!

The ONE thing that we always can control is our own learning journey. As someone (a-hem)comfortably over the big 5-0, the new things 'out there' continue to amaze me. If you have never read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, grab it off your library shelf and spend an afternoon reading it. Don't let the simplicity of the story get in the way of the monumental parable. Whether or not we like where we are right now, we can always put everything we have into it and learn all there is to learn while are on our journey for our own treasure.

To review any of our past posts on the PST and '23 Things', just go to the Professional Study Team topic category on the side bar.

1 comment:

clerks a rockin said...

Hi Myra, I will leave a comment about the picture you used. It is incredible.