Thursday, November 29, 2007

So much to explore, so little time...

It was great seeing everyone at the meeting! Thanks to Maddie, Pat, and Mary for giving some great presentations. I wanted to give you a quick update, and get some feedback, on our PST (Professional Study Team). If you weren't at the meeting, or missed some of the facts, here's a quick rundown of where we are right now concerning the PST:
  • It should clock in at around 25 professional development hours

  • We will meet at Skyline High School on Wednesdays from 4-5:30 pm beginning on January 16

  • We have oodles to cover, but yet I wanted to get your feedback on things you really, really, really want to cover under the Web 2.0 umbrella...or, just sit back and hang on for the ride. We will have fun exploring, learning, and expanding.

  • So far...blogging, RSS, wikis, nings, social networking, photo/video applications, online productivity tools, social bookmarking, ...and brainstorm how to use these in the library.

If you know you want to participate in the PST, let me know. If you know that you cannot participate, let me know that, too. I'd like to have an idea of numbers when I turn in the application next week. I'll keep you posted as to when you can register for the PST and further details.


Ms. MaryT said...

I can't wait to start the pst! I feel like I'm still behind in learning to navigate middle school!

Linda Stewart said...

I am so excited to get going on this class. I know that it will be a great learning experience because Myra is the guru of web 2.0. I would encourage everyone to try to join us, technology is changing so quickly that if we don't keep learning, we'll be left in a tangled web.