Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Teen Read Week

It is very close to being 'too busy' to really celebrate Teen Read Week. I just wanted to throw a question out to all of you to see how you are marketing Teen Read Week in your library. Are you doing any special events, reading contests, marketing displays, or other celebrations? Are you all using the LOL theme? ...to promote humor?
At Skyline we have set up a display of popular young adult books -- we purchased the LOL poster and bookmarks to hand out. We have been running a 'pages read' contest for the past month; students keep track of the number of pages they have read to win prizes. We are amazed how many kids are really into keeping track of their pages read. We made a poster and bookmarks and have been promoting the 31 Flavorite Authors (31 YA authors are chatting on MySpace during the month of October) campaign from YALSA.
What ideas and promotions are you using during Teen Read Week?

1 comment:

Kim said...

We have a table set aside for books from Alex Awards. The English department was seemingly uninterested in our collaboration, as they haven't set up any time to be with us. We're holding out hope though!