Saturday, September 1, 2007

Mentor/Mentee Program & Requirements

On the right side of the screen, under the Handy Library Links, you will find navigation links to take you to the documents we will need to complete, as well as the Program Brochure and informational webpage. We all need to have the Mentor/Mentee Agreement filled out and signed by all, including the inductees' teacher librarian or principal.

Then, we need to start filling in our Mentoring Log. I have duplicated the form on MS Word, so you can fill in the information on your computer, add ongoing info to the form (just tab over to create more lines), and store it as a file. That will make life easier when we have to pull it all together to submit next May. If you would like a copy, leave a comment under this post and I will email it to you right away.

Take a few minutes to review all the forms and info on the Mentor/Mentee Program, if you haven't done so already. If you have any questions, then add a comment under this post.


MyraG said...

There is an online Orientation for New District Employees for 2007 at
with info on using the Intranet, MS Outlook, Thin Clients, and Profession Development Resources. This link will only work from school computers or the Citrix remote at home.

clerks a rockin said...

Myra this is so great. You have done a ton of work. I was planning on going over to PD website today to get the new skill blocks, and here you had them here! I have learned from two mistakes, that you need to use the back key and not the close key when closing the window on the documents you open on this blog. I have kicked myself out twice before learning that little trick. The SHS IMC website looks great.

clerks a rockin said...

I am on my way to visit Linda. I just found out her hours were changed. Looks like her principal traded library hours for homework club. I will let you all know. I am quite upset with this idea.

C Kelley said...

The blog is great I can tell you put a lot of time, effort and heart into making this a great site. I just wish I had more time to visit and check out everything that you have done on it. I hope all of the clerks get a chance to check this out. Thanks again!